Monday, June 13, 2011

Small Things Mean So Much With A Preemie

Yes, I keep harping on the preemie bandwagon.  Some have said to me "Oh come on, she really wasn't that early..." or "In my day, everyone was a preemie..."
To me, it is important.  No one lived through MY experience, not even my husband.
No one knows what it's like for me to replay the whole experience over in my head; to cry when I see other preemies; to shiver when I pass the hospital on the highway.
No one knows how much I felt robbed of much of the pregnancy experience.  Even small things, like making it to 39 weeks or having had my baby in the room with me.  I didn't get any of that.  It wasn't fair.
It was even difficult to me for a very long time to accept that Kyleigh would have a summer birthday, and not the fall birthday I always envisioned.
Today, however, I would like to take the time to write about the smaller things with Kyleigh, and how grateful I am that she continues to meet every milestone like she was supposed to be born August 25 and not October 13.
I am proud of her.
She has done so well at school.  She  is very sociable and happy.  She laughs and babbles non stop.  She sees her friends crawl, then stand, and she is doing the same.
Everyone comments what a great baby she is, and she really is.  She cries when she is hungry or tired, but dammit- so do I.
Every time she reaches a month birthday or gains weight, I rejoice.  Usually on facebook.  I'm very sure there are plenty of people tired about that, but then maybe I am tired of the stuff they post.
I am going to try to blog more often, and maybe save this rejoicing stuff for here.
Kyleigh, you're the best, and I am proud of you.  <3


  1. Good for you. Sometimes being a momma means we have to ignore everyone else's opinions.

  2. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!
