Saturday, January 15, 2011

Resolutions That I Do Not Make

I've come to the conclusion that reading blogs and writing one's blog is truly a full time job. I wanted to start writing a blog because I love to write, and I am told that I am quite good at it.  I am hoping that once I get a little used to balancing time between being a mother and working full time that maybe I can write on a more consistent basis. I'm not making any promises, of course.  Oh, will there ever be a time where I will be able to strike a balance?
I never make resolutions.  I learned a long time ago that they cannot always be kept in a realistic manner, and why set one's self up for disappointment?  However, in the coming year, there are some things I would like to improve:
~ I would like to get our family's finances in order.  I think many families have this wish; but after the last year I've had, I realized how much more important this is.  I wanted to be much more financially well off when I had the baby; I used to make pretty decent money.  However, a lay off and some irresponsible spending habits led to a big financial mess.  My husband blames himself for this; but in reality he is only a small part of the issue.  It was all my baggage. It's funny- I have gone backwards from where I thought I would.  I thought I would struggle, struggle, struggle before getting married and having a baby- but I did well first and then struggled the first year of my marriage and child.  I feel like a 20 something sometimes.  I do know a lot of people are in the same boat. If the US government refuses to call this a depression, then they are delusional.  I haven't met one person who was not affected by all of this.

~ I would like to continue to have good relationships with my two stepdaughters.  They are sweet girls and they have been through a lot.  I have to remember my patience sometimes, as I deal with kids all day and it can be difficult to go through it on weekends.  I am lucky to have 2 who are fairly accepting of me.  It's hard for me to bite my tongue when it comes to their mothers, however.  One is a controlling, cold witch..and the other is a cold, selfish witch...but hey.  I feel sorry for them both.  Of course, at the end of the day, it is about the girls.

~ I would like to continue being a good mother.  Am I mother of the year?  Probably not.  But I am fully invested in Kyleigh's life.  I want her to have the best of everything; I want her to have drive and ambition.  Since she is a preemie, I want her to succeed and hopefully not have the learning issues that preemies are known to have.  I know I can't stop any of that; but I will make sure she has every opportunity and service available.  Too many children waste away until it's really too late to help.  I know because I see this every day.  I don't want that for Kyleigh.

~ I would like to continue to have a good marriage with my husband.  Is it perfect?  No.  But we try.  And we try to keep in mind that the ultimate goal is having a great, cohesive family.  He's come with a lot of baggage, and I also.  He has a habit of lying which I also despise.  I am hoping he will work on this.  He has improved a lot.  I have been clear with him that these things are important to me.
I will also try not to put a lot of stock in what his witch exes say.  Yes, I'm sure there is truth to some.  I won't discount that; marriages fail for reasons that are not just about one person.  I will just keep in mind that some of the things they say are for their own benefit.  For example, his fat ass ex in KY is always spouting off about what a lousy father he is, etc, and blasts him on all open lines of communication available (i.e. facebook).  I realized this Christmas, when her daughter came to stay with us, what a sad life this woman has.  Her husband is a loser, and she's not the greatest mother.  No wonder why she has to bash my husband online. Her lies have become her reality.
Ok, enough about that.

~I will plan our wedding reception this year.  Somehow, some way. I want to have the wedding I always wanted.  I'm hoping it will become a reality.

~And lastly, I would like to put a bit more into my job when I can.  It's taken a backseat this year. It's a job I enjoy, so I would like to be more into it than I have been.

And there you have it....resolutions I do not make.

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