Sunday, April 29, 2012

2012 March For Babies

I think every year that we do this walk, I'll feel more comfortable and figure things out.  I really wished we had the money to make the t-shirts.  Next year, I'm going to start the fundraising even earlier.  We at least were just a little short of my goal. Last year, we were way below.  I guess it's a learning experience, right?
When I did this walk yesterday, I couldn't help but feel blessed about having Kyleigh.  We were really, really fortunate.  I often lose sight of that, because she is so challenging sometimes.  She is going through the terrible twos, and she can be really tough to deal with.  I'm happy, however, that she so far has turned out to be a "normally" developing kid.  Her doctor said last month that she has finally caught up with her peers and is starting to make her own mark on the growth chart.  It was music to my ears.  We may face challenges when she goes to school, as they say that preemies tend to have learning difficulties.  But, we will take that if it comes.
I saw a lot of former preemies there.  Some were the same age as Kyleigh and were doing as well by the looks of it.  I was touched by reading all of the little signs along the walk.  I noticed, though, that many of them were of preemies who had challenges.  (I'm going to look into that next year, to see if that's true.  I think they should include ones who haven't faced challenges, too).
We spotted Kyleigh's former neighbor in the NICU this year.  This time, we didn't go up to the family, as they seemed to resent our intrusion.  We tried to see him, but he was all bundled up.  He is only a few months older than Kyleigh, so we were curious to see him.  We did spot a sign with his info on it.  Later in the morning, we saw him.  He was all bundled up, but he looked very small and frail.  I felt for those parents, though I'm sure they wouldn't want our pity.  I just kept thinking how fortunate we were.  It could have easily been Kyleigh.
Her journey, though miraculous, was pretty flawless.  We didn't have many concerns, except feeding.  There was never any time the doctors told us she wouldn't make it, or it was touch and go.  In that respect, I almost feel like we really don't belong there; as if we are mocking those with challenges.
So big deal, she was 4 lbs, 4 oz.  Big deal, she spent 20 days in the NICU.  I guess, however, she was there for a reason. And, I know if it hadn't been for M.O.D, she may not be here today.
We celebrate Kyleigh, for who she is, and where she will go.  We are blessed.
I'm looking forward to next year, to continue to give back to an organization that gave so much to us.

Well, I Guess I Haven't Blogged As Much As I Said I Would...

It's hard to find the time.  I have too many commitments, it seems, spread out everywhere.  I'm taking a class, which is finished in 3 weeks thank goodness.  Our car is gone, Kyleigh is going through terrible twos, and I am impossibly busy at work now.  I haven't had much time to think of myself or my life, or anything.  I'm not really sure who I am anymore, to be honest.  I'm hoping things will slow down....well, I've been hoping that for awhile.  Let's hope it really does, and soon.